Op 31 oktober komt er een nieuw boek uit waar Brian aan mee heeft gewerkt, Stereoscopic Adventures in Hell. Het boek zal op bijzondere wijze in London gepresenteerd worden, zie onderstaand het (Engelstalige) persbericht.
Stereoscopic Adventures In Hell
Thu, Aug 29th, 2013
Stereoscopic Adventures in Hell:
Brian May launches his new book with an exclusive public lecture
Bath, 21 August 2013 -- The Royal Photographic Society is presentating Dr Brian May CBE and his co-authors Denis Pellerin and Paula Fleming in an exclusive 3D presentation and lecture at 6.30pm on Friday, 1 November at the Royal Institute of British Architects, London. The event and book-signing celebrates the publication of the London Stereoscopic Company's Diableries: Stereoscopic Adventures in Hell.
The authors - led by Queen guitarist, astronomer and photo-historian Brian May - will present a Gothic Victorian underworld of temptation, seduction, retribution and devilish fun brought alive in colour and 3D. Learn about the origins and hidden meanings of these rare 1860s French photographs which depict an imaginary underworld populated by devils, satyrs and skeletons.
This will be the first oportuntity to hear the fascinating story of the diableries, to experience the images on screen in 3D and to purchase - and have signed - a copy of this stunning new book.
Put on your 3D glasses and prepare to be surprised!
The lecture and book-signing will take place at RIBA, 66 Portland Place, London, W1B 1AD. Doors open from 6pm. Tickets are priced at £15 and are available from The Royal Photographic Society online shop at www.rps.org/devils or call +44 (0)1225 325733.
Stereoscopic Adventures in Hell is published by the London Stereoscopic Company (www.londonstereo.co.uk) on Halloween, 31 October, and has been written and researched by Brian May, Denis Pellerin and Paula Fleming. It is 280 pages with 500 photographs in colour and black and white and it comes complete with an OWL stereo viewer designed by Brian May. For information about the book Stereoscopic Adventures in Hell contact: Robin Rees at Canopus Publishing. E: sales@canopusbooks.com , or tel: +44 (0)7970 153217.